
Monday, January 28, 2013

Easier Every Time

Ayden had his 12 month checkup today.

Look who's back on the charts!
Not that it matter but, 29" (10th %ile) and 17.25lbs (30 %ile)
Grow, Little Man, Grow!!  :)
Every time we go I think back to his 2 month well baby visit and his first round of shots. It was agonizing for all of us and we even questioned whether or not we would continue vaccinating him. But now, 10 months later, our boy smiled at and flirted with the nurse as she weighed and measured him. He only cried for a minute or two, knew exactly who was to blame (that nurse felt so bad when Ayden screamed and looked right at him), and we calmly comforted him as it passed as quickly as it started. He babbled and showed off his walking, which his doctor called "precocious" and tried to blow the ear-checking thingie out like a candle.

My handsome boys waiting (a LONG time) for the doctor to come in.
Watching out the window while a train passes.
Other than the visit taking so long, it was overall a great experience. Our pediatrician is open minded about and supportive of our dietary restrictions and desire for a staggered/delayed vaccination schedule. He never plants seeds of worry about Ayden's small size and is always so complimentary of the skills he does exhibit.

The rest of the day was filled with taking care of moving details. I took all of my summer clothes to my parents house, helped them clear out our closet and put the clothes in their new home. I got their truck key (because my dad brought the truck to his party then took the keys home with him) and then I stopped by the post office to get our new PO box and filled out a change of address form. I also already mailed off all the thank you cards for Ayden's birthday gifts which is a major first for me. I have never sat down the night of an event and written thank you cards but I just knew everything would get lost in the shuffle. I have to admit it felt good and just may become a new habit! After the doctor came home for dinner then took another load of stuff to David's parents house because they have so generously offered space in their attic.

It was a long, busy and exhausting day but we have to keep on trucking. We will rest when we are done!


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