
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Tiny Clothes

We loved our day today.

Morning movie and snuggles with all of my boys.
Well... David got his snuggles for the day.  I was on Pinterest.

Sun bleaching Ayden's white newborn and 0-3 month onsies.
This sight gave me warm fuzzies.

Farm time and house progress.

Ceiling/floor joists!

Stair stringers.

We are hosting playgroup at my parents' house tomorrow.  Yay for a swim day with friends!  Ayden and I spent a couple of hours at my parents house so he could swim and play with his cousins and I could help my mom prepare her home for guests.  We came home for a family shower and then met up with some of our favorite friends for dinner. Now Ayden is in bed and David and I have a date with Netflix.  I can't believe yet another weekend has flown by.  Slow down, time!


Flashback!  Here's what we were up to one year ago today: "To The Market We Go"
And two years ago today: "Hawaii Day"


  1. Your house is coming along so well! My son had that same Chuck dump truck! I onmly hear "Hey I'm Chuck. I'm a dump truck." 1000 times a day! Lol

  2. Weekends sure don't last long enough!
    Your house is looking fantastic
    I hope you all enjoy your play date tomorrow!
