Our story is like a fairytale. We met when David was 17 and I was 15. We were high school sweethearts.
First high school dance, 2000 |
Long story short, he was actually trying to set me up with his best friend and ended up falling for me instead (don't worry... his friend wasn't that interested). He swept me off my feet with roses, poetry and late night conversations about someday wanting to visit Hawaii and our love for the stars. The rest is history.
Our wedding day. May 20, 2006 |
Our honeymoon on Maui, Hawaii. |
After almost 12 years together we got to embark on the greatest adventure we'll ever know and we are so lucky to have each other to turn to along the way.
37 weeks pregnant |
We welcomed our son, Ayden into the world on January 21, 2012 |
While I was pregnant, I thought it might be interesting to blog everyday during my first year of motherhood. I have a degree in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education, and waited a long time to become a mommy, so I thought it would be neat to document as much as I could of this journey for personal and professional purposes. Though it was tough at times, I made it through the first year and this blog quickly became an outlet for me to sort through all of the thoughts, feelings and emotions that come with parenthood (as well as providing a place to put all of the photos and videos that I can't help but take everyday - ha!).
Ayden's 1st Birthday! |
So, almost two years have come and gone and here I am, still writing a post a day and loving it! It has been such a joy to go back and read all of my past posts and to have all of my videos and pictures all in one place. It has also been amazing to find a community among you, the readers. If I have had questions, or needed extra support, I have had support through reader comments and it really means the world to me.
If you are just now joining us, I will tell you that we are a contemporary crunchy little family who just moved from suburbia to my family farm where we plan to start a homestead that will hopefully grow into a fully working farm and CSA someday. Here's to another year of excitement!