Friday, November 1, 2013


Tonight we got to trick or treat with the cutest dinosaur, ladybug, Batgirl and Wolverine around!

Ayden did so great with saying trick-or-treat and thank you!  He even said, "Roar!" A few times which was adorable.

By the end of the night he was dragging his heavy candy bag but didn't want any help with it. He even sat down a few times to take a breather and look through his treasures.

Ayden has had a few pieces of dark chocolate but we haven't given him any other kind of candy so far.  We are hoping to keep that up as long as he doesn't notice so tonight, we planted a couple of non-candy treats amongst the other goodies.  When we all got back and all the kids broke into their stashes, we opened a package of Annie's organic bunny snacks and a pack of raisins that his grandma gave him and he was happy as could be.  Someday he will notice and want the same kind of candy as the kids around him (probably next year) and when that happens, he'll get to have it.  Until it happens however, we don't really have any desire to give him candy when he's just as satisfied with dried fruit.  For now, that is his candy and we are okay with that. As for all of the candy he did bring home, David's co-workers are going to love him come Monday!

We were so proud of Ayden and how brave he was tonight.  I think having his cousins going ahead of him and showing him the ropes and that it was a safe, easy thing to do helped a lot. 

We wondered what he thought if it all after it was said and done.  He went around to all of the houses and talked to the people and they gave him treasures to put in his bag.  I can't even begin to imagine how that all plays out in a toddler's mind.  I wonder if he'll expect to do that next time we go visit Grandma and Grandpa.  Haha.

Ayden fell asleep on the way home and transferred to his crib without waking at all.  He worked hard, walking and carrying that heavy candy bag.  Then he played hard with his cousins and stayed up way passed his bed time. That's what holiday fun is all about!  I'll bet our little dinosaur sleeps well tonight.



  1. How did you get him to sleep in a crib? That's awesome because I remember you wrote that you were cosleeping and he was not sleeping well. I wish I could get my baby in his own bed!

    1. I am sorry I haven't gotten back with you on this one for a few days! He has always started the night out in his crib and then comes to our bed when I go to bed or whenever he wakes up the first time (whichever comes first). We are going to start the process for night weaning soon, though, and I will definitely write a post when we figure out what works for us!

  2. Have you heard of the Switch Witch? I saw Alison Sweeney on Ellen and she talked about how she tells her kids the Switch Witch will come and bring them a toy they want if they offer to leave her their candy. The more candy they leave, the better the present!

    1. I actually just heard about the Switch Witch this year from Mama Natural Blog! Such a good idea. We are considering it as an option for sure. We also remember how much we loved our Halloween candy and aren't so sure we would have traded it. Haha!

  3. Wow, ayden has never had candy, that is impressive. He has to be the healthiest kid. I like how u will allow him candy if he wants it. Kids hate control and rebel at that. My mother wouldnt allow me candy as a.kid which made me want it more and boy did i find ways to get it. I think had she offered it to me occasionally it would have made me less rebellious. As a teacher u already know all this. I love paleo lifestyle and if i could afford it i would do it again. My baby is 5 mos and no rice cereal just veggies and all the way paleo for her. Cute costume.

    1. Thank you! We want Ayden to be healthy but more importantly, we want HIM to want to be healthy himself. I totally agree that keeping things a non-issue is important. If you place too much emphasis on something kids just want it more!
