Saturday, July 28, 2012

Swing High

Teeth!! :)
 It is amazing how quickly Ayden is learning about food! Here is the damage his two little teeth did on an apple slice today:

He also was actually getting bites off during dinner, even though most of them worked their way back out...

While we were watching him eat tonight, David and I marveled at how he has taken to solids so quickly and easily. There's no doubt that he was ready and that Baby Led Weaning is definitely a very natural route to take!

Ayden and I left David at home to edit the 6 month photos while we went to the grocery. The weather was so wonderful that when we got home, we abandoned our to do lists and headed to the park for some quality family time.

 It was wonderful! Ayden also got to swing for the first time and LOVED it!

As for crawl watch 2012, Ayden is definitely getting better at moving from A to B, though it still takes him a while. He gets up to the crawling position, takes a "step" or two, then slides his hands forward ending on his belly. I suppose he could be compared to an inch worm :). He has mastered getting to sitting on his own from any position. So at today's end, he is not officially crawling but makes progress everyday. It is truly amazing how quickly things are happening now!

After dinner we got him ready for bed but instead of settling in and falling asleep he engaged in activities such as this:

#1 on tomorrow's to do list? Lower his crib mattress...

Life is getting more crazy and more fun all at once and all of it is wonderful!



  1. Wow! Ayden is progressing so quickly. My guy is a month older than him and I have to say I'm a little bit jealous...he can't pull himself up into sitting on his own yet, and we're nowhere near the progress you've made on crawling. I know all babies are different but I can't help comparing Ayden to Gabe! It's usually fun, but sometimes frustrating too :).

    1. You are right, it is hard not to compare your child to others. That is normal :). But something to keep in mind, children usually develop one area at a time. Where Ayden is currently making developments in the area of gross motor, perhaps Gabe is making developments in a different area (ie. cognitive, social/emotional, fine motor, communication, etc.) Also, the longer it takes for him to crawl, the longer you get to enjoy him staying in one place!! Thank you for reading a commenting :)

  2. I love these posts. Brings me back a year to when we first started solids, baby lead weaning style. It never got old. My husband and I were in awe every single day at how great BLW is and how natural and cool it is to let your child decide what to eat, how to eat, and the simple exploration and learning that went on with every meal. Enjoy it. Before long you will be in our shoes watching your child successfully use a fork and drink from a "real" cup. Each new stage brings you more and more pride and joy :)

    1. We have been AMAZED with BLW and are so happy that we chose to give it a try. Thank you for reading and sharing your story too!
