Saturday, June 30, 2012

One of Those Days

Today was the most stressful day we've had in a while. We went to bed way too late last night so we were tired (Ayden slept on David while we watched a movie and pretty much always wakes between 7:30 and 8am whether we go to bed "on time" or not). The house was a wreck because we came in from our pool afternoon, didn't unpack any of our bags and were lazy for the rest of the night. Because we were lazy and didn't do the dishes we woke up to ant city all over the kitchen not to mention a messy house in general. Not a great way to start the day...

Oh but there's more! Since I didn't get much sleep I tried to sleep during Ayden's morning nap because I knew it would be my only chance to get a little extra rest today. After laying there for a half hour trying my hardest to sleep, I got up with a terrible feeling of anxiety. It's funny because the movie we watched last night was "In Time" and in it, time is money. Literally. If they were out of "time" there was nothing left. The poor people who didn't have much time, ran everywhere and lived one day at a time.  I totally feel like one of them. Laying there for a half hour without sleeping was SUCH a waste of time. All I could think about was all of the things that I could have accomplished during those precious, baby free, minutes that I'd never get back. When I finally got up, I got started on a project and not 5 minutes had passed before Ayden woke up. For the rest of the day, David and I were busy with various projects, the ant situation, etc. Poor Ayden got to the point where he was fussy and didn't want to be put down because he needed some one on one attention.  It's not always easy to find balance between productivity and parenting, though there's no question as to which is more important, you sometimes get overwhelmed by life and forget to prioritize properly. After arguing a little, David and I stopped and reminded each other that we are in charge of our happiness and though we can't control everything that happens in our day, we can control how we react to it. I quickly finished meal planning so we could get to the grocery and as soon as we got out of our neighborhood we could feel some of the stress melting away. It turns out, we just needed to step away from the problems so we could breathe and clear our heads.

Also adding to the stress of the day was the fact that we are having a heat wave here in the Bluegrass.

101*, feels like 102*.  YIKES!
Aparantly it was hot enough to make this car spontaneously combust in the Whole Foods parking lot...

Actually we aren't certain about the true cause but I wouldn't be surprised if this heat caused it!  The fire trucks were pulling away as we got there.

The atmosphere in Whole Foods is always nice for us and today they were having a local fest which made it feel a little like the farmer's market, which we also love.

Getting some much needed snuggle time!
By the time we got home, we were feeling much better and it was a good thing because we were headed to my parents' house for a cookout. Our good friends joined us there as well so we had good food and great company. My uncle is visiting from Canada and he plays the banjo. David brought his guitar and the two of them played together for us all.
Ayden found his toes and pulled them to his mouth for the first time while we were there!
We know that there will be rough patches along the way. The important thing is to stick together and support one another through it. No one else can understand what i'm feeling better than my partner in it all. I am so glad that we were able to recognize when we started turning against each other and turn it around. Things aren't so bad when you have a partner to go through them with! The day really turned around in the end and we are looking at it as a learning opportunity. Gotta focus on the positive, right? And more good news, we have a another day left in our weekend. We are hoping to make it great from the start!

Sleepy baby listening to Daddy play guitar :)
Did you ever just have one of those days??

~ Sarah


  1. You are an amazing mommy and a wife...couldn't have asked for a better inspiration than that so I definitely have a girl crush on you for that same reason!! :)

  2. I have a lot of "those" days lately. I think its always hard to find a balance between what you think "needs" done and what you actually have the energy/time/strength to do.

    Thanks for sharing!


  3. Lately school,the projects i want to do and family just have been really bother some.I need a vacation.Here in Atlanta,GA the temperature has been between 100-112 degrees. Its so hot i dont want to do anything. Hope the week gets better for you.
