Tuesday, December 2, 2014

5 Happy Things: Fueled From Within

1) Good quotes that I can relate to or become inspired by:

Words to live by.

2) Giving my big boy a much needed haircut. 

Logan photo bomb!

3) Completing day 2 of T25. 

With a trusty sidekick.

4) Seeing Logan enjoy a swing for the first time. 

He liked it.
He likes pretty much everything.

5) Ayden's "work" today:

"Look, Mommmy, I drew a teeny tiny A!"

Cutting with his scissors.

Making faces with eye balls on his play-doh mats.

"It's a very scary web!"

He also pointed out the letter X on my parent's door when we stopped by there today and has learned some letter sounds!

We made it through the bulk of our day without any toddler melt downs.  That could be a bonus happy thing. We had a pretty lazy, laid back day so it was a little easier for him I guess.  He had a little trouble during the last couple of hours before bed time but he was tired and hey, it's progress and it was a nice break for the both of us. 

What were your 5 happy things today?


Flashback!  Here's what we were up to one year ago today: "Getting Personal"

And two years ago today: "Let The Winter Holidays Begin!"

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