Maverick is shedding his undercoat for the 2nd time this Summer so he had an early grooming appointment this morning. I just cannot keep up with the fur in the house when he is blowing that husky undercoat of his. Our choices are to either vacuum and dust mop SEVERAL times a day or to live in furry tumble weeds. His groomer said that a lot of dogs are having this mysterious second shed and she suspects it's the cool down we've had. It's making all of the dogs' bodies think it's Fall so they are shedding their Summer coats to make way for their Winter ones. If it heats up again, which it probably will, then she said to expect him to do it one more time before Winter. Craziness.
Anyway, I had a bunch of other errands I wanted to run today and since we had to drop him off at 9:00, we were at the mall for our first errand by 9:30. The stores don't open until 10 so Ayden got some play time in the play area which he loves.
Going early like that isn't such a bad idea. I'll have to keep that in mind when Logan is little since I'd be able to sit and nurse while Ayden plays. I remember that just getting out of the house, though a challenge, was a must on some days when Ayden was tiny.
Once the stores opened, I headed Motherhood Maternity to search for some outfit options for our maternity photos we are taking tomorrow. I got Ayden a smoothie at Jamba Juice and he sipped on that while I tried on all the clothes I liked.
After the mall we went to a beauty supply store to get our own hair cutting scissors. I cut both David and Ayden's hair and we had been borrowing my mom's scissors while she was sick since she wasn't up for cutting my dad's hair. Now that she's better they needed them back so we decided to invest in our own. Initial investments for reusable or DIY items are so hard to make even though they pay for themselves so quickly. We've done it with diapers, wash clothes and towels to replace paper towels, muffin cups, now hair cutting equipment, etc. slowly but surely we are making progress in that area!
After I got what we needed, we had a lunch date at Panera and then headed to get my hair trimmed. While we were there Ayden made a friend. He went over to the waiting area to get a book and a nice old lady offered to read to him. He's usually shy with strangers but has always seemed to have a soft spot for little old ladies. He climbed right up into her lap and she read to him for my entire haircut. I had no idea I'd have a babysitter while I was there! It felt like a special treat.
Next up was Whole Foods, just for a few things. The grain free zucchini bread and muffins that I like to make have an almond butter base but the almond butter we get is pricey. I compared the unt price to that of blanched almonds, which is what I'd need to make my own almond butter, and it was almost twice the cost! Needless to say, I'll be trying out making my own this week!
After Whole Foods we came home for Ayden's nap and then we were back out again! David hasn't been able to mow the lawns at either property in like 2 weeks because our riding mower tire was busted. We had to go through our landlord and get the okay to be reimbursed for a replacement. That was finally approved so we went to a farm equipment supply store to get a new tire.
He said he wanted to take this home with him. Ha! |
When I got there they said it would take a half hour so I took that time to to pick up Mav from the groomer.
Looking purdy (and about 10lbs lighter) |
Sprinkled in all throughout the day were also some drive by errands like returning a library book, withdrawing our grocery cash for the week, and sticking our rent check in the mail. We got home just in time to heat up leftovers for dinner (leftover night saves the day again!) and then David left for the house and I filled up the bathtub for Ayden. I got him bathed and groomed, including his haircut, and dressed in his PJs by 7:00. We went outside on a blanket with his basket of books, read every single one and then he was in bed and asleep by 8:00.
Shew! I am tired so I'm just going to tidy up a bit and then I'm going to read in the bath and get off to bed myself. I want to be rested for our photos tomorrow and I also just think my body would appreciate the extra rest after such a busy, busy day!
Do you ever have days when you are on the go ALL day long?
Flashback! Here's what we were up to one year ago today: "
Hog Heaven"
And two years ago today: "
Big Boy Toys"
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