Happy 31st birthday to me!
When I woke up this morning my boys wished me a happy birthday and then David told me the whole day was all about me. First on my agenda was a long, uninterrupted shower. When I got out I found this:
A beautiful hyacinth, a homemade card and a gift card for a 1 hr massage. Logan went down for his morning nap and I got myself ready while David made us breakfast.
My massage appointment was at 11 and it was glorious.
Next up was lunch. I had never eaten at Tom + Chee and there just happened to be one right next door so that is what I picked.
After lunch, this happened:
Then we did a little shopping for my capsule wardrobe. On our way home we swung by the home of the folks that makes my all time favorite cookies. They sold at the farmer's market last year and it was such a special treat! They had a baby 6 weeks ago and he is super fussy so they had lots of questions. David just asked to buy the frozen dough but they took the time to bake them and wrap them in a pretty box. We have met so many amazing people at the farmer's market!
When we finally made it home it was around 4:00. Ayden went down for a nap and I left these two so I could go do beehive inspections.
There's a bee on it's way into the world toward the center of this photo! |
I stopped by my parents' house on my way home and my mom had a gift for me. My niece was with her and she had made me a card too. We woke Ayden up around 6:45 so that he'd go to bed at some point this evening. My sister stopped by to drop off a gift and give me a hug while David was making dinner. The last time they saw the chicks they were just a few days old so we took them out to the chicken yard to see them and they were amazed! One of her kids was looking right at them and asked where the baby chicks were. Haha!
We ate dinner, Logan went to bed and the rest of us enjoyed a cookie treat.
I should also add that David also took care of the chick chores today (carting them out in the mornings and in again in the evenings is getting tiring) which was also a gift in and of itself. He also cleaned out the brooder for me.
It was such an amazing birthday and all of my tanks are full! I feel so loved with all of the texts, phone calls, Facebook birthday wishes and pampering I got today. Being the queen of this household is pretty good stuff! :)
Flashback! Here's what we were up to one year ago today: "
Well Hello, 30"
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